Collateral Insights | CSDR and Its Impacts on Securities Financing and Collateral Lending

Making Sense - A podcast by J.P. Morgan


With the third phase of the EU Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) set to go live in February 2022, trading counterparties and market infrastructures within the EU are preparing for the settlement discipline regime. This episode discusses the background and overall aim of the regulation, the impact on the securities financing and collateral space, as well as the industry challenges and recent advocacy efforts. This episode was recorded on September 28, 2021. This podcast is intended for institutional clients only. The views expressed in this podcast may not necessarily reflect the views of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, and its affiliates, together J.P. Morgan, and do not constitute research or recommendation advice or an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument. Referenced products and services in this podcast may not be suitable for you, and may not be available in all jurisdictions. J.P. Morgan may make markets and trade as principal in securities and other asset classes and financial products that may have been discussed. For additional disclaimers and regulatory disclosures, please visit