The year-long book launch with Diana Gladney

Publishing Rebel - A podcast by Malene Bendtsen


“When writing a book, you expose yourself - to yourself”- Diana Gladney We are starting this new season with an episode all about marketing your book by creating video content and engaging your audience. Diana Gladney takes us on a smooth ride through her journey and transition to running her business and writing her book “The one right video”. In this episode Finding the pain point of your audience, including the hidden audience. Don’t know what a hidden audience is? Find out on the podcast! Creating video content that resonates with your audience and the challenges they face How to know what people want to hear from you when creating content (it's not what you think) Collaborations as part of a book marketing strategy Pre-launch strategies: How they work, what to expect, do's and dont's, etc. Email marketing for authors About Diana Gladney Daina is a YouTube marketing consultant. She worked in finance before starting her own business helping busy entrepreneurs simplify video creation so that they can amplify their business and brand using videos. Her goal is to simplify the video creation process for entrepreneurs so that they can feel confident in their videos and create a deeper connection with their clients.