Marketing Week Meets: Jan Gooding

Marketing Week - A podcast by Marketing Week


Jan Gooding is one the best known and highest regarded marketers in the UK. After leaving university, she began her career on a management training course at Selfridges before embarking on a 12 year career in advertising. She moved client side in 2004, first with BT before moving to British Gas and then Aviva. After leaving last year, she now enjoys an archetypal portfolio career. She continues to champion gender equality in business and is a supporter of more inclusive working environments. In a wide-ranging interview she discusses: Why her skills as a marketer helped her become an "accidental activist". Her "career limiting" inability to stand by and keep quiet on issues. The "shameful" sexism and racism she saw in 80s ad land. Why markers have a responsibility to help drive societal change. Her biggest bugbear - "obsession" with digital tools of questionable effectiveness.