PEACEMAKER: "The Choad Less Traveled"

Marvelvision - A podcast by Cinema Sangha


This is the episode of Marvelvision that has it all: a live, on-air COVID test, Derek shitting on Point Break, a detour into the world of Impact! Comics, middle aged men Googling Sgt. Gorilla and more. Peacemaker just keeps doing it, giving us great episode after great episode, and The Choad Less Traveled, a Vigilante-heavy ep, is no different. It's the show that is redefining the DCEU, and it's making Matter-Eater Lad canon... which of course leads to a discussion about whether or not the Legion went to the 21st century or Peacemaker went to the 31st. If you're enjoying this show, be sure to check out our other podcasts: The Bad Batch, a Star Wars TV show podcast and Watch Men, a monthly superhero deep dive show. Both are available only to subscribers at!