Marvelvision - A podcast by Cinema Sangha


This week we're talking about Netflix's 10 episode adaptation of the DC/Vertigo comic book series Sandman, by Neil Gaiman and a variety of artists (co-created by Sam Keith). This series is sometimes stunningly faithful to the comic, but there are some changes - some subtle, some aesthetic - that stick in our craws. We also talk about my tragic history of shoplifting, some comic book movie news and whether or not Derek wants a pet. The main discussion begins at 23:07. You may have noticed this episode is dropping on a different day of the week than normal - that's because Marvel is going to be releasing She-Hulk: Attorney at Law on Thursdays, which means our whole recording schedule bumps back a day. This episode is the first on our new schedule. Thanks for listening! See you next week for She-Hulk!