Episode 094 | The ‘Trusty’ PBM Advisor

McGohan Brabender Side Affects: Disrupting Health Care - A podcast by Employee Benefits | Health Care | Wellness | Leadership | Health Management | Innovation | Human Resources | Employee Engagement | Consumerism | Business | McGohan Brabender | Side Affects | Side Effects


Do you understand your contract with your Pharmacy Benefit Manager? Do you know if your PBM is managing your pharmacy utilization properly for your workforce? Join Kenzie and Scott with Thatcher Sloan and Bill Lenskold from Confidio, a PBM Consulting firm. Listen and learn how Confidio enhances the relationship you have with your PBM. They hold the PBM accountable to the contract and manage a strategy going forward that fits your culture. With pharmacy trends constantly transforming, it helps to have an advisor looking out for you.