Episode 16: Fanfiction

McWho: An American Podcast for McFly - A podcast by mcwhothepodcast


This newest installment in our series of fan-focused episodes is all about McFly fanfiction! We interviewed two writers from our favorite fanfiction website, Fanfic Obsession (http://fanficobsession.com.br). Gabrielle and Anmi share their experiences of writing band fanfiction, from struggling with feelings of isolation and insecurity to finding confidence and community with other writers. We discuss the importance of representation in stories, the joys of sharing your work with others, and the ways in which fanfiction can foster change. Not to mention it's just great fun: Who doesn't want the chance to date their favorite pop star?   A podcast all about McFly, McWho is hosted by best friends who've grown tired of other Americans asking who they mean when they mention their favorite band. They've always been alone with their love--until now! Following the evolution of McFly's music throughout the years, one hit single at a time, this podcast is by fans, for fans.   Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook: @McWhothePodcast Email: [email protected]   Intro/Outro credit: "La Bamba" by Jules Grandgagnage (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:La_bamba_chords_cfg7.ogg)