Are You Dependent, Co-Dependent or In-Dependent?

Meaningful Life Skills with Rabbi Simon Jacobson - A podcast by Rabbi Simon Jacobson

Independence Day seems to be a good time to take stock of your own state of independence. Do you feel free or do you feel subjugated to forces controlling your life -- your job, expectations of others, your inner fears? Is your spirit light and soaring like a bird, or are you weighed down and drained? Perhaps this compels us to ask the bigger question: What actually is true independence? Is it a physical state -- as in not being confined to a dungeon, or is it an emotional and psychological state? What can we do to experience and grow our independence? How can we become freed from our trappings? Please join Rabbi Jacobson on this July 4th special, and learn how to honestly evaluate your state of independence and your capacity to free yourself of the shackles (within and without) that hold you down. Whether you are dependent, co-dependent or in-dependent you will discover news ways that empower you to take wing and fly to unprecedented heights.