Getting Unstuck

Meaningful Life Skills with Rabbi Simon Jacobson - A podcast by Rabbi Simon Jacobson

At one or time or another, many of us feel stuck in our lives. Unable to move forward. It can take on the shape of resignation, hopelessness and even depression. It can be more subtle as in feeling old and worn out, without the energy to create change. And it can even manifest in cynicism, as in the more things change the more they stay the same.  What causes us to feel stuck? Are they objective or subjective causes, meaning are they true external obstacles or only ones in our mind? Is it perhaps fear? Einstein is famously credited as saying that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. How then do we change self-defeating attitudes? Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this pre-New Year talk addressing the great dilemma of getting unstuck in your life. What can we do to free ourselves from whatever it is that making us feel trapped and unable to truly move forward. As we enter a New Year, the mystics tell us that a new unprecedented energy enters into our lives. How can we tap into it and how can we make sure that our past despondence doesn't haunt and curb our ability to allow new hope and new possibilities to manifest in our lives? How can we truly begin anew?