Home Alone: Thanksgiving in Quarantine

Meaningful Life Skills with Rabbi Simon Jacobson - A podcast by Rabbi Simon Jacobson

Many are lamenting the fact that Thanksgiving 2020 will not be the same as usual. Due to Covid concerns, we will not be able to gather and celebrate with our entire families; travel restrictions will keep close ones apart. People are concerned what impact this will have on our psyches and moods. It's not easy to spend a holiday alone or with just a few loved ones. Loneliness and isolation can have a devastating effect on us. Of course, this only adds to the  the ongoing anxieties created by the lockdowns during the last eight months.  But do these circumstances all end up as disappointments and frustrations or worse? Is there any redeeming element to quarantine? Please join Rabbi Jacobson and discover the surprising and illuminating opportunity that Thanksgiving offers you this year -- an unprecedented gift allowing you to appreciate your life, your loved ones, your values in unprecedented ways. Develop a new understanding and respect for the power of gratitude and giving thanks, elevating the way you live your life, and transforming your very being and your relationships.