#002 - Let's talk crystals . . . vanishing crystals

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

Have you ever had this happen? . . . You're in love with and working with a crystal and then one day it's just gone. You retrace your steps. Check all of your little hiding places and no luck. Your go-to crystal has just disappeared. We all misplace things from time to time; our keys, phone, sunglasses. It happens. I usually enlist my husband to help me find what I've misplaced. He jokes that I'm not a very good easter egg hunter, and whatever we are looking for is the prized egg of which he usually recovers pretty quickly. But there is something different about a vanishing crystal. If you've experienced this, you know what I'm talking about . . . IT JUST DISAPPEARS! Sometimes, it will reappear within a couple days or a week. Other times it's gone for months or even years. And in the meantime it's likely left you wondering why? What's the message? In this week's episode of Crystal Shaman Life podcast I dive into this topic. Join me as I share a couple stories, offer insights about why your crystal may have disappeared, and offer some tips for how you can recognize and embrace the medicine your crystal was sharing with you. Listen here: https://loriaandrus.com/lets-talk-crystals/ Wishing you a joy-filled weekend! Shine Brightly, Lori