#011 - Samhain Blessings . . . tis the season to celebrate your ancestral roots

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

Happy Halloween! Happy Samhain!  And, Happy any other mid-season celebration you honor.  It has been quite magical here this week.  We are nearing the start date of Crystal Shaman School (Eeeee . . . it's Friday!!! Yay!) and I'm excitedly pulling together final details before we step into the opening ceremony.  In the midst of all of the busyness, I am finding myself in complete awe of how divinely perfect the details are coming together . . . even down to the little bits of healing, growth, and breakthroughs that unfold each day.  This midpoint of the fall season is filled with magic . . . it is truly an auspicious time of year.  It is a time when we may experience more clarity during dreamtime, heighten senses and intuition, and profound insights regarding our life path and the challenging patterns that are holding us back. It is also a powerful time to honor and celebrate our ancestral roots.  While creating this week's episode of Crystal Shaman Life Podcast, I found myself reflecting on my own ancestral roots, in particular my Bohemian lineage.  This past spring, one of my aunts shared something very sacred with me that reconnected me with a thread of mysticism that had been lost in their immigration. And in a beautiful way it shed a new light of understanding upon the spiritual path that I have chose walk in my life. So in the spirit of Halloween, I chose to dress up, Bohemian gypsy fortune teller style, as I created this week's episode. Wishing you a joy-filled halloween and spirited Samhain! Shine Brightly, Lori   Crystal Shaman School Begins FRIDAY!!! Step into your innate healing gifts and sacred power. Join us for this 12 month immersive journey and be initiated into the crystalline realms where you will learn how to work with the crystals and stones as allies for change, healing, and transformation. Join us. Enroll Here: www.CrystalShamanSchool.com