#018 - 2019 Crystal Forecast

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

I'm a bit slow on getting this message out, but here it is, just in time for February; the 2019 Crystal Forecast. Each year I love to do both a personal crystal reading as well as a collective crystal forecast. It's always interesting to see which crystals want to show up as allies for the year. So last Friday I popped on for a FB Live and drew the crystals for 2019. I've turned that video into a podcast episode that I would love to share with you here. This years reading did not disappoint . . . oh my goodness, it's going to be a heart centered, love-filled, creative year! And 13 amazing crystals and stones are showing up to support us. Listen in and discover what the crystals had to share. Want to check out the video? Watch here: https://loriaandrus.com/2019-crystal-forecast/