#019 - 6 simple (and fun) crystal practices you can do today

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

I'm curious, did you happen to catch last week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life podcast? . . . the 2019 crystal forecast. Find the replay + video here: https://loriaandrus.com/2019-crystal-forecast/ There's something really potent about doing such a reading. The crystals that show up, are both offering insights and also extending their support for the coming year. This is super cool! And it is why I do this reading (for both the collective and for myself) each year.  But readings don't carry a whole lot of weight unless we find ways to take action upon their insights. You may have even been feeling like 'hey Lori, this is reading is great, but now what do I do with it'. That's often what happens with readings and when working with crystals. They are sparkly. The messages touch us deeply. And yet, we are left with that question . . . what do I do with this? And, guess what . . . the answer to this question is the MOST important step of any reading.  So in this week's episode of Crystal Shaman Life podcast​, I'm sharing 6 of my go-to crystal practices for integrating a crystal reading into my everyday life.  These practices are simple, fun, and something you can do today! Listen in!