#052 - Soulful Tips for Creating Real + Lasting Change

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

I hope this message finds you well and that you're enjoying this first week of the new season. Fall has long been a favorite of mine, it's a time when I like to hide out in the woods and commune with nature. With so many changes unfolding, I find it to be a potent time for reflection.  This fall, as I'm hanging out in the woods, I'm enjoying someplace new.  About a month ago, Chris and I purchased land in Michigan's Upper Peninsula . . . a magical spot on a quiet little lake near Lake Superior. It's quite rustic . . . but we do have a camper pad, electric, a dock, a wood shed filled with dry firewood, and a fire pit . . . you know, all of the camping essentials. And surprise, we actually have cell service which means I can set up a hotspot and dig into a bit of online work. Having land where we can camp is something Chris and I chattered on about for years. We had quite the list of ideas and thoughts and desires. We imagined such a space, we could feel it, and in our imagination it was alive. But when we did the actual groundwork to try and find it, we found ourselves disappointed again and again.  We were trying too hard to make it happen.  Raise your hand if you've ever done that! Haha.  I don't know about you, but sometimes (ok often) I forget that it takes time for my dreams, desires, ideas, and visions to take form or to land in the physical world. An idea pops in and with excitement I want to rush to bring it into form. ​I mean seriously, isn't that what amazon is all about . . . need something today, click a couple buttons and it shows up by tomorrow. Magic, right?! Haha. Ok, maybe not. I see this happen in so many areas of my own life and I also see it as one of the biggest challenges my clients and students have with both understanding how to embody and breathe life into their vision. Looking back, our search for land was one of those times when I wanted to go from idea to having it now with a couple clicks. But when we stepped back from trying to make it happen, we allowed ourselves to imagine, to dream, to set intentions, and most importantly to take our dreams to ceremony, everything came together.  We got out of our heads and into a soulful connection with the change we wanted to create and how together, we wanted to experience life differently.  So this summer, when a series of synchronicities​ unfolded and we found this spot, it was an easy and joyful yes! When we are in alignment, change flows. But when we try to make it happen, we get in our own way and we find ourselves circling around and around again with the same patterns, disappointments, struggles, and stories.  In this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast, I dive into my favorite Soulful Tips for Creating Real + Lasting Change. Tune in here:   Wishing you a joy-filled week. with love and crystals, Lori P.S. The doors for the SANCTUARY Membership Circle are OPEN! The Sanctuary Membership Circle is an online sacred space where each month you will find fresh content that will support you in attuning to the monthly pulse . . . think guided meditations, ‘in the now’ crystal wisdom and messages, soulful reflection rituals, and other fun surprises.  Join us today! https://crystalshamanschool.com/thesanctuary/ P.P.S. For a limited time, enjoy the Founding Member Rate . . . this is a lifetime rate available until 10/31. I think that's pretty cool and I would LOVE for you to take advantage.