#061 - Winter Wisdom + Sacred Rhythm

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

This morning as I sat down to record this today's podcast I heard a song outside my window . . . the song of the woodpecker. It was clear as a bell and despite my curtains being closed, I knew exactly whose song it was. This little guy chimed in a couple of times until I opened the curtain to say hello and make sure he knew his message was warmly received.  So, what was his message, you may be wondering. He was making sure I included a bit about rhythms and cycles in today's podcast episode.  Winter is a very important part of the creative cycle.  It's the time when we do the inner work to create alignment between ourselves and our ideas, dreams, and visions.  It's the time when we nurture seeds of inspiration and give those seeds space to grow in our hearts.  For many of us, this past year has awakened a whole new sense of values and ideas. It has created a sense of awareness around what we most value, where we are putting our time and energy, and what feels most aligned with who we are.  2020 has invited each of us to refocus. It has planted many seeds of inspiration. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, who are stepping into the winter season, we are stepping into a time when we have an opportunity to go within and nurture the seeds of these new ideas, dreams, and visions. In today's episode I sink deeper into this conversation.  Want to join us for the Winter Solstice Quarterly Gathering? Join us in the Sanctuary. www.theSanctuaryCircle.life Want to join us for the gathering, but not up for joining the Sanctuary Membership? No worries, we've got you covered. You can sign up here: https://crystalshamanshop.com/product/2020-winter-solstice-quarterly-gathering/