#074 - Navigating the Unknown with Iolite

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

This afternoon I journeyed with Iolite, the May stone of the month as I recorded today's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast. It is just so much fun to journey with the stones . . . to sink in and experience them in this way. Wisdom just flows. As I wrapped up the episode I combed through my journal and read a message from Iolite that I scribbled in earlier this year. Tightly held beliefs of limitation show up as we take steps forward, steps towards change, growth, and new vision. We get to choose . . . are we going to stay safe and quiet or are we going to face our fears, heal, and grow into our wholeness? Until we muster the courage to stand on the threshold of the unknown, facing our fears with love and compassion, we will continue to hold ourselves back, to keep ourselves small. We will keep the doors of possibility tightly sealed. Are you willing to navigate an uncharted path? Are you willing to trust your inner compass and divine support as you make this journey? I feel like each of us, in our own way, are meeting with opportunities to confront our long held beliefs and ideas and consider what would our lives be like if we were to lay them down, to open the doorway of possibility. Mmm . . . what is possible? Iolite is calling us into a bit of exploration around that. I invite you to dance with me in this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast where I even do a bit of rattling and invite you into sacred connection with the space of discovery. with love and crystals, Lori Join us for the June Masterclass: Talking with Stones.  Register Here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/masterclass