#077 - Getting to know the rocks underfoot

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

I'm writing to you this afternoon with a stellar view out our camper window as we hang out on our somewhat remote land in the Upper Peninsula of MI. Last summer Chris and I purchased this little slice of sweetness as a place to camp and just get out into nature. As we spend more and more time here, we are beginning to see how each visit seems to be met with its own surprise, magic, and experience: from a lightening strike or warm sunny afternoon to trimming trees and working on our road. As we connect with this space, we have been finding new meaning in co-creating and connecting with the earth. It's been interesting to step back from our own agenda or plan and allow the earth to instead reveal something even more amazing. Yesterday, after another refreshing rain, the gravel on our driveway began revealing its true colors. What is at quick glance is red and black basalt was showing itself to be filled with so much more . . . think chrysocolla, calcite, chlorastrolite, epidote, serpentine, rhyolite, copper, and so much more. Imagine, all of this right underfoot every day. Wow! Just wow! Slowly over time Chris and I have been gathering a little collection of these stones, but something about yesterdays rain made them even more obvious. It was like my eyes focused in on one piece after another. This got me thinking about how amazing these little utilitarian stones are . . . they are so much more than driveway gravel . . . and they have so much more to share. Have you ever found yourself inexplicably drawn to a piece of landscape rock or something sparkly on the road? Don't worry, you're not alone. But I do think that as adults we sometimes try to resist picking up such pieces . . maybe we are worried about looking a litt woo woo or maybe we worry that it could be seen as stealing a rock or any other little reason that may pop in. Totally get it. And there are definitely circumstances where picking up a found rock just is not appropriate . . . but then there are times, like when you're walking a driveway where tires likely transport rocks every day and I have to say: Why not? I bet that little lovely that's catching your eye has something to share. In this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast, we sink deeper into this conversation. I invite you to listen in HERE: with love and crystals, Lori P.S. The Talking with Stones Masterclass is a great way to sink deeper into your connection with the crystals and stones. Sign up for it here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/masterclass P.P.S. The Crystal Wisdom 101 class is another great way to sink deeper into crystal connection. And, I'm offering a little Summer Magic Special for it. Save 30% when you use coupon code: MAGIC21 Learn more here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/crystal-wisdom-101/