#078 - Knowing what you want . . .

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

This morning I woke up thinking about a client I worked with years ago. During a conversation with her I asked a question that she was not able to answer . . . a question that I think many of us struggle with: "What do you want?" She knew I wasn't asking this question from a surface level or probing at egoic ideals, but rather I was asking her soul. "What do you want?" She was silent for a very long time. I could feel how her thoughts, opinions, personal judgements, or fears were getting in the way. Her mind was fighting with the answer her soul was sharing. Finally, she took a deep breath and replied, "I don't know. I need to think about this." I danced with her for a bit, rewording the question and trying another door. But she locked up tight. I felt the part of her wanting to answer, and I heard the part of her afraid of her own dreams. I know this place. I've given that answer . . . to myself, to my friends, to my colleagues, and to my mentors. Sometimes I really don't know. Other times, it's because a part of me is reluctant to give voice to what my soul most desires. I also know the pain of not honoring my dreams. Usually, for me, there is an element of fear or judgement that is surfacing from my ego. This bit of fear or judgement has likely gotten in the way for a very long time. I've come to know that in those moments, I have a choice . . . I can lock up tighter, or I can lean into the space being held and lay it down. The thing is, sometimes the moment isn't right. Maybe there's a reason we need to hold tight to our story or limiting belief for a bit longer . . . a reason it is serving us. If you ever notice this, honor where you are at and welcome your right timing. But if right now, you, like many other people, have been feeling an energetic call to say "yes" to what your soul wants . . . NOW is an Amazing time to do that. Back to the client I spoke of earlier . . . A couple months later, she was able to answer that question. Not only that, she was ready to take action and breathe life into what she wanted. I want this for you, too! I want to see you bring your dreams to life. Yesterday's new moon (and the lion's gate portal) are inviting us to lay down our resistance, our doubts, our worries, our fears, our judgements and listen. Yes, listen to what our soul really wants and then claim it. This is where our conversation went during the weekly FB live in the Crystal Shaman Life FB Group. Enjoy this replay. with love and crystals, Lori Join us in the Sanctuary Membership Circle: https://loriaandrus.com/sanctuary/