#080 - Flowing into the Fall Season

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

Hello sacred friend . . .  Last night as the moon rose over the lake I laid on the dock in a refreshing sense of oneness. Bathing in the moonlight, I experienced one of those feelings, one of those moments I would love to bottle and share with the world. Instead I took a picture. And shared it over on my blog. Check it out here: https://loriaandrus.com/flowingintofall/  ;-) This week summer comes to an official close as we celebrate the Fall Equinox and welcome the fall season. I'm up at camp again for a couple days enjoying a bit of solitude and celebrating both this week's full moon and the fall equinox with lots and lots of ceremony. The changing season brings with it a changing energy . . . an energy that invites us into deeper reflection, a more gentle rhythm, and to honor our intuitive nature. In this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast, I share some ideas and suggestions regarding how you can flow with and honor this season change in your life. Listen in now. Wishing you a joy-filled week! with love and crystals, Lori P.S. Join us for Coffee. Crystals. Conversation. each Monday at 9:30 am cst in the Crystal Shaman Life FB Group. Join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crystalshaman