#084 - Meet me in Sacred Space

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

As we near the light of the full moon, I feel myself called to create sacred space, to step in, to create ceremony. As we near the light of the full moon, I feel called to invite you to join me . . . in sacred space, in ceremony, in a sacred journey of reconnection. Sacred space is many things . . . it's the beautiful spaces we create to honor ourselves and our relationship with the sacred. And, sacred space is also a space we create through our unique and intimate relationship with our spirit guides, the elements, nature, the crystals, our animal guides, and so much more. This kind of sacred space is created through prayer. It opens a bridge between worlds and calls us outside linear time and space. It opens the gateway to pure potential and possibility. It allows us to see ourselves and life beyond the limited ways we think of as normal from one moment to the next. This sacred space is where I am inviting you to meet me . . . in the space of pure possibility. I am inviting you to access all that is sacred . . . to access the sacredness that is you! This week, with the full moon, I am offering a 5-day Journey of Soul Reconnection. This journey is my gift to you . . . and I would love for you to join me. Yes, everything will be recorded and you will have access to the replays (but if possible, I encourage you to join me live . . . this is the richest energy lives). Learn more about this journey here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/soul-reconnection And, this topic of sacred space. It's a big one. It's beautiful and potent. This week, on the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast, I dive deeper into it. Listen in. Wishing you a joy-filled week! (And hoping to sink into sacred space with you as well.) with love and crystals, Lori   P.S. The doors for the Sanctuary Circle are open. I would love for you to join us for this year long journey. Learn more here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/thesanctuary