#085 - Flowing with the Seasons of the Soul

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

Over the past couple days I've been facilitating the Soul Reconnection Journey. (did you miss it? no worries, you can still catch the replays. Learn more here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/soul-reconnection) Facilitating this journey and holding sacred space for soulful reconnection been both a joy and an honor. There are many beautiful things about sinking into sacred space within community. Embarking on a shared journey, one of deep, intimate relationship with self). Witnessing. Sharing. Presencing. Opening. Celebrating. And so much more. We are living in sacred times. You know this. These times are calling us to root into our knowing of self while also committing to the heart centered dreams and visions our soul is ready to bring forth. As 2021 winds down and we begin shifting into the energy of 2022. You may recognize this by naturally inclined to circle up, to be in community and sacred space with others who are also honoring their dreams and vision. It is going to be a year of coming together in sacred ways. It is a time to be supported, to support, and to collectively rise. Yes, together we rise. While tuning into this energy I found myself reflecting upon one of my final mornings up north. Koda and I made our daily trip down to the dock to greet the sun. When we arrived at the water, we were greeted by a Great Blue Heron. Many years ago, I took a deep dive with the medicine of heron. I explored the dance between independence and interdependence as well as generational patterns and stories regarding relationships. So on this brisk fall morning, when we arrived at the water and met with heron, I wondered what his message was. As we sat together, a message that came forward: There is a time to fly solo. There is a time to come together. Honor both seasons. As I leaned into this more I remembered an experience I had with herons during their season of coming together. Early in the spring, my dad took me for a visit to our family land. Deep in the forest, along the the river, the herons gathered high in the oak trees where they nested, in community. When I close my eyes I can still hear their chatter above my head. I remember feeling as though I was in some other place, in some other time. As they soared in and out of their nests, they felt quite majestic. Herons come together when it is time to birth their next generation. I find this message to be important at this time. We are being called together right now to energetically align and activate our vision for life. This is not a solo task. This is a community event . . . one in which we individually deepen and rise within sacred space together. I sink more into this conversation in this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast. Listen Here: Also, if you are ready to sink into sacred space, into a journey where we will circle up and energetically work with the seasons, the moon cycles, and the crystals to become conscious co-creators of our life and reality, I would LOVE for you to join me for the Sanctuary Circle. This is a year long journey that begins on November 4th. Learn more here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/thesanctuary Wishing you a joy-filled week! (And hoping to sink into sacred space with you as well.) with love and crystals, Lori   Join Us in the Sanctuary Circle . . . The doors for the Sanctuary Circle are open. I would love for you to join us for this year long journey. Learn more here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/thesanctuary​