#096 - Sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is hold space.

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - A podcast by Lori A Andrus

There is much happening in the world. Much that saddens my heart, triggers a bit of fear, and leaves me feeling sincerely concerned about our future. I think many of us can relate to feeling this way at some point over the past couple years as we have experienced many significant events. Some closer to home than others. Change does not always unfold with ease. It is often met with great challenge. As changing times reveal all facets of humanity it is natural for strong emotions to arise. They can be consuming, startling, unexplainable, and even isolating. Much of what we feel during these times is compounded by the collective energy and emotions that need sacred space to flow and heal . . . emotions that have been buried deep and previously unprocessed. As events in the Ukraine unfolded last week I felt a lot and I began asking what I can do, how I can help. The answer was two-fold. First the Prayer of St. Francis echoed through my thoughts. Next, I heard: Hold Space. Sounds simple, right?! It is. Yet, in its simplicity it is one of the most powerful things we can do in the midst of changing times. It is POWERFUL beyond measure. Holding space allows dense energy and emotion to be processed and transmuted so that courage, clarity, wisdom (true wisdom), right action, hope, and possibility are able to emerge. While we all experience these changing times in unique ways, this is one thing we can all do . . . light a candle, burn some incense, and sink into sacred space. Get rooted. Open our hearts. Pray. And invite love and peace into our hearts. This week's podcast episode I sink deeper into this conversation. Join me here: Wishing you a deeply connected week! with joy, Lori P.S. Heart opening Danburite is the crystal of the year for 2022. It's core message: Ask the Angels for Help. Sometimes we forget to do this. As I wrapped up this message, Danburite popped in with a gentle reminder that during times of uncertainty, when we feel challenged by life, it is a wonderful time to lean in and ask the angels to help you navigate them. Let the angels surprise and delight you.