7 Traits That Separate Strong Finishers From Wrong Finishers w/ Bill Newton EP 603

Men in the Arena - Christian Men's Podcast - A podcast by Jim Ramos

Do you have what it takes to finish strong? Ever wondered why so many men today finish wrong and so few finish life well? We even see it in the Bible! If you want to be one of the few men who finish life with an exclamation point instead of a whimper, you'll need 7 critical traits. This week, Bill Newton joined Jim Ramos to discuss his book, 'ENDURE: A Christian Man’s Guide to Finishing Strong.' This episode will help you diagnose if you're on the right path, teach you the 7 characteristics that separate strong finishers from wrong finishers, and help you get what you'll need to be a man who runs his race well all the way to the finish line.    of Jim's Newest Free Book Download!