Bonus: What Does It Mean to Be a Man of God? Jim Ramos at The MAG

Men in the Arena - Christian Men's Podcast - A podcast by Jim Ramos

On vacation recently, I (Jim) was asked if I were a “Christian.” I strategically responded, “No, I am not but I do love and follow Jesus.”  Why did I choose those words? Because I have found that as Americans we (it may be global, but my experience is limited) throw around the word “Christian” without recognizing its significance. Here, the word Christian is nearly synonymous with a politically conservative, gun-owning, blue-jeans-wearing, homeowner, rural American. These could not be further the actual truth of this radical word. The word Christian means “Christ-one” or someone who is one with Jesus. To follow Jesus is a life-changing, plan-wrecking, purpose-giving, heart-altering event, and a lifelong process. To water it down to an in-the-moment decision that somehow transcends life into eternity is manipulative at best, deceptive at worst, and contrary to everything the Bible teaches about salvation. Nowhere in Scripture did Jesus ever call his followers to make decisions for Christ. He called them to make disciples of Christ. Matthew 28;16-20  of Jim's Newest Free Book Download!