Help! My life is a mess! EP 368

Men in the Arena - Christian Men's Podcast - A podcast by Jim Ramos

Marsh Bull is a technical type guy working with computers for 5 decades. His focus until turning 51 was on my career & getting ahead in the corporate world. He believed he was a good man, working hard to take care of his family. Focusing on his career, he had allowed his home life to crumble. He was working 14 hours a day for IBM when his brokenness finally caught up with him. It was Sat. October 21, 1995 when he pulled off the road and shouted a one-word prayer, “Help.”   Instantly a sensation of total love permeated his entire body. It felt like a warm molasses covering him from head to toe. At the time, He didn’t understand it was the Holy Spirit entering his body. This is what defines Marsh, his life before Christ & his life after Christ. He was probably like you if you don’t know Christ!  Boots on the Ground: Head on over to Marsh Bull’s website and pick up some of his free resources, grab some guys and start a group.  Website: Facebook: LinkedIn: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: Tumblr: