How will you Finish this Life? Episode 464

Men in the Arena - Christian Men's Podcast - A podcast by Jim Ramos

If done right a man’s greatest years are his final years, when he can enjoy the benefits of wisdom gained over a lifetime ascent up the mountain of God. It’s in his twilight that a man’s voice ech-oes most powerfully to the younger generations. Proverbs 17:6 reminds us of the truth that, “Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.”  If you’ve passed the baton, take it back. Finish your life strong.  Life is more than the hike out of a scorching canyon and noon. It’s about those moments at the truck over an ice cold drink with someone you love—after that we learn the joy of a life well lived. There are finishes and there are strong finishes. They are not the same. Sometimes a finish is a wrong finish. A divorce is a wrong finish. A suicide is a wrong finish. Getting fired from your job for reasons you could have avoided is a wrong finish. To live selfishly in retirement, refusing to impact others with your experiences, wisdom, and expertise is a wrong finish. It may be the most tragic finish of them all.    Commit yourself at all costs to finishing strong.