REBOOT: Men in the Arena Top 10 Podcasts on Leading Courageously EP 573

Men in the Arena - Christian Men's Podcast - A podcast by Jim Ramos

Top Ten Podcasts in Each of the Five Essentials  Leading Courageously                      Book                My favorite episode came from here  1. Bill Farrel ()                             Red Hot Monogamy 2. Jason Karampatsos (          Elephant in the Room      3. Gary Chapman ()                   5 Love Languages            4. Don Minter ()                           31 Days       5. Willard Harley ()                      His Needs Her Needs 6. Michelle Watson Canfield () Let’s Talk 7. Wess Stafford ()                       Too Small to Ignore, Just a Minute 8. Emerson Eggerichs ()             Love and Respect 9. Regi Campbell ()                     Radical Husbands 10. Paul and Virginia Friesen (  Interview w/Jim & Shanna