77. The Power of a Man's Presence w/ Allana Pratt

Men, This Way - A podcast by Bryan Reeves & Tait Arend - Thursdays

Welcome back to a new season and a new era, really … of MEN, THIS WAY. If you’ve been following this podcast for a while, you’ll know I haven’t released an episode in a few months. I took a hiatus because well, frankly, I just got burned out. This year has been intense. I’ve moved across the country with my wife, and I’ve been focusing on launching, strengthening, and deepening my men’s coaching business. Podcasting just fell by the wayside. But I’m back. I’ve found a new way to do the large labors of podcasting that will work better for my pacing and disposition. I intend to crank out a lot more episodes in the coming months, and hopefully years. And, the podcast is evolving. I’ve decided to now invite more women onto the podcast. Women clearly have much to say that we men need to hear if we are to live a meaningful life of insight and wisdom. I’ve also changed the subtitle of the podcast from, “Life Insights from Wise Men” to “Wisdom For Men (and the women who love them).” I hope it vibes with you. My intention is still to let this space serve as a kind of watering hole we men can come to from our far corners of whatever jungles we inhabit, and be nourished together by meaningful insights and practical wisdom, so that we may return to our communities as more present, more alive, more skillful men. Because the world needs us men in our fullness, in our true greatness, perhaps more than ever before. Speaking of which … I want to invite you to an extraordinary adventure … ELEVATE 2023, my year-long coaching adventure for men committed to thriving. It begins in January, and enrollment is now open … I’ve only got space for 10 men, and already 2 men have stepped up and claimed their spots as of this recording … we’re going to fill this up soon I’m now accepting applications for ELEVATE 2023. Go to https://bryanreeves.com/elevate … and fill out the application. There may be a spot left for you in ELEVATE 2023, and if not, we’ll be happy to have a conversation with you anyway, to see how I might serve your journey in other ways. I have another live coaching program called Elevate Your Relationship, and that might be an ideal fit for you if you’re struggling to thrive in intimate relationship. Again … https://bryanreeves.com/elevate Let’s dive now into today’s episode. Has a woman ever told you she doesn’t feel connected to you? Or she doesn’t feel your present? Have you ever wondered what she’s talking about when she says that? Would you like to see into the mysterious experience of a woman in relationship to a man who is not present … and to a man who is? Do you wanna know how to create presence? Well, in this episode, my guest is the brilliant Allana Pratt. The first woman – other than my beloved wife – to appear on “Men, This Way” – now almost 80 episodes in. Allana and I mine these crucial questions – and offer you insight into a woman’s experience – to hopefully make a meaningful difference in your life. Allana Pratt is a wise woman, and she is also an old friend of mine. We met about 10 years ago, and the first time I saw her – some mutual friends recommended we meet, and so I looked her up and found some videos of her on youtube – within seconds she had me smiling. Since then, we’ve cultivated a personal and professional friendship, and I’m honored to call her friend. Not only is she doing important work in the world, she was one of the first women in the coaching world that I saw totally crushing it on the business side, too. I knew I had a lot to learn from her. She’s an Intimacy Expert and an Ivy League Graduate, and a regular columnist on the GoodMenProject.