Justice for Julius Jones in Oklahoma

Mental Health Download: Exploring Mental Illness, Suicide, Homelessness and Incarceration - A podcast by MHAOK


You’re listening to the Mental Health Download from the nonprofit Mental Health Association Oklahoma. I’m Matt Gleason. On today’s episode, I’m joined by my co-host, Malika Cox. She is passionate about criminal justice reform, restorative justice and policy changes that impact marginalized communities. Malika is the Pastor of Spiritual Formation, Justice and Community Life at The Table in Oklahoma City. Malika speaks and teaches on anti-bias, diversity and inclusion, race and reconciliation, and transitional and restorative justice practices. She’ll be a speaker at the Virtual Zarrow Mental Health Symposium -- Healing From Historical Trauma this September 30 through October 2. Register today at zarrowsymposium.org Today, Malika is going to interview Cece Jones-Davis, a worship leader, speaker, writer and social advocate. Cece was awarded the 2019 Phil Wahl Abolitionist of the Year award by the Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (OCADP) for her criminal justice advocacy and reform work. She currently serves as the teaching pastor at The Table in Oklahoma City. Cece isn’t just Malika’s good friend and co-minister, she’s also, as Malika likes to say, one of her favorite people on the planet. This is one of my favorite interviews yet on the Download. Malika and Cece talk about Cece’s dedication to the Justice for Julius Jones campaign. You can get involved with the campaign at justiceforjuliusjones.com/