Jumping to Generous Conclusions

Deep Resilience - A podcast by Melli O'Brien - Tuesdays


As we move through life, we constantly and often unconsciously jump to conclusions about the world and people around us. Influenced by our past experience, we make assumptions and draw inferences, attaching stories that support our brain’s built-in negativity bias over the objective reality of a situation. This seemingly small, reflexive mental habit can lead to misunderstanding, conflict and generally sap our mental strength, but what if, instead, we intentionally chose to assume the best instead of the worst?In this episode of Mentally Stronger, I share a story that allows you to observe this habit in action, and a hypothetical which demonstrates how negative assumptions can impact our relationships and attitudes toward the people around us, increasing feelings of anger, frustration and resentment. With a helpful example from Brené Brown’s Rising Strong, I invite you to explore how jumping to generous conclusions can cultivate greater understanding, connection and peace.Key Links:Melli O’Brien: https://melliobrien.comJoin the waitlist for Headstrong, Melli's 8-week online training course: https://melliobrien.com/headstrong-program/More on Negativity Bias in Mentally Stronger episode 02 here:Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/19mXQrn8vSDa4BEeaC7IjH?si=30eIWkv_TVCrxluQigYNagApple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/mentally-stronger/id1637748876?i=1000576965173