MFP 317: Who are These Messy Families? 2024 Survey Summary

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family - A podcast by Mike and Alicia Hernon : Catholic Marriage Parent and Family - Mondays

Summary Since 2018 we have been doing surveys of our listeners to find out who you are, how we can serve you more, and what your needs are.  We have never shared this information with our listeners until now!  Over the years we have had thousands of listeners take this survey and it's interesting to see what has remained the same and what has changed.  We thought it would be encouraging to you to hear that you are not alone!  The struggles that you have told us about are shared by other moms and dads too.  Listen in as we talk about the make-up of most of our listeners, what they told us, and what plans are for the future.  There were also some questions that came up in the survey that we responded to as well.      Links Last call for the survey!  Closing Jan 31, 2025   UK Tour - if you are interested in joining us for any events check out our page here!