MPF 314: Seasons of Prayer for Parents
Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family - A podcast by Mike and Alicia Hernon : Catholic Marriage Parent and Family - Mondays

“Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. I mean do not be disheartened by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage” - St. Francis deSales Summary What God asks of us as parents is beyond our ability. We are all in need of God’s grace and that comes through prayer! Now, before you think, “I do not have time for prayer….” take a pause and listen to this episode. First, remember, we have been there! We had 3 kids under 3, 7 kids under 10 and then 10 under 16! We know that the crazy pace of life can make us feel like we can never catch our breath. That being said, we must persevere through the different seasons of life and make sure that we are consistently connected to the source of all life. Listen in to find ways of “sneaking in” prayer throughout your day, what you may have to let go of, and what you should be able to accomplish. Do not lose heart! Prayer is not only possible, but it is essential for us to live the life God is calling each of us to. Key Takeaways The spiritual responsibility of our home lies with parents and it always has. They are essential because they are the first witnesses of the faith to their children. You cannot be an effective parent without prayer Take advantage of all types of prayer, but we usually need to work the most on prayer of contemplation. This is where we grow in relationship with God in a personal way. If we need to grow it is going to cost us. There is no easy button. There are seasons in life, and our devotion needs to match it. Take advantage of the seasons of the year to start fresh! Couple Discussion Questions What type of prayer are we taking advantage of right now? How well are we doing it? How can we support each other in growing in our prayer life? Resources MFP180 Monks, Parents, and Prayer Our webpage with resources on prayer