6: paul leendertse & the root cause of cancer
metaphysical gravity - A podcast by eringunzelman

in this epsidose, paul leendertse and erin discuss the root cause of cancer: a psycho-emotional stress complex -- aka BIG conversation about LOVE. paul is a pioneer in cancer prevention, reversal and self-healing. he’s the author of ’the Root Cause of Cancer’ and founder of Root Cause Institute where he teaches practitioner trainings, getting to the root cause of cancer and other psycho-emotionally based diseases. before going online to teach the root cause of cancer, paul lived with cancer patients over a 10-year period, for 30 days at a time, focused only on identifying and resolving the root cause of their cancer, as a team. paul and the clients that worked with him, had a 90% success rate healing without any treatments, or anything alternative. only the root cause was the focus, since all of his clients were either stage 3 or 4 cancer, after already having tried everything they could, both traditionally and alternatively. ”the root cause of cancer is the end of the war... because the cause of cancer is psycho-emotional, and this we can’t resolve through war, only love” - paul leendertse if you’d like to connect with paul... root cause institute practitioner trainings: info and sign up here instagram: @therootcauseinstitute website: rootcauseinstitute.com if you’d like to dive deeper into spirit-mind-body, other offerings and metaphysical musings with erin, check out... new patreon community! here eringunzelman.com instagram: @erin.gunzelman