BTS: It all began with a dream and bringing the right people together. Podcasting, our experiences in this journey we call MexiCan Podcast.
MexiCan - A podcast by Mexican Cultural Center DuPage

Join our conversation with MexiCan Podcast Host Angie Nieto, as she joins the recording of BTS with MexiCan Producer Fernando Ramirez and Chair of the Mexican Cultural Center DuPage, Sara Phalen. In this episode, we reminisce about the beginning of MexiCan, the experiences and lessons we have gained, and the wonderful people we have met. This has truly been an amazing journey, we have been given the opportunity to interview amazing personalities representing, and advocating our beautiful Mexican culture. We hope that you have enjoyed this time with us and continue to support the work with do in promoting, educating, and highlighting Mexico's music, art, culture and most importantly, Mexico's people. It all begins with a dream, be a part of our dream! Por que somos latinos, por que somos MexiCan. Please share and subscribe. To contact your host Angie Nieto, email us at: [email protected]