In Conversation With… Dr Ruth Vine and Mary O’Hagan – Part 3

MHPN Presents - A podcast by Mental Health Professionals' Network - Tuesdays

Does mental health legislation help or hinder outcomes for people seeking help?In this five-part series, learn about the mental health service system through the respective - and at times contrasting – lenses of clinician and lived experience experts; psychiatrist and Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Mental Health, Dr Ruth Vine; and Victoria’s inaugural Executive Director of Lived Experience, Mary O’Hagan.In episode three, Ruth and Mary discuss the ‘dominant clinical world view’ that Mary argues underpins the mental health service landscape, and the challenges this poses for reform. Tune in to hear how our host and guest, from their respective clinical and lived experience leadership positions, direct a critical lens on current practices for managing risk in care settings; how the presence of the Mental Health Act works for and against clinical management of risk; and discuss the impacts for both service providers and service users.Liked this episode? Stay tuned for more featuring Dr Ruth Vine and Mary O’Hagan continuing their conversation, by following the MHPN Presents podcast show.Visit the MHPN website for this episode's host and guest bios, recommended resources and a self-directed CPD form.Share your comments, questions and feedback about In Conversation With…, or any of MHPN’s podcast series here: