Ep 194 3 best content planning tools that changed my business

The Social Strategist with Michelle Gifford - A podcast by Michelle Gifford


We've talked about the 7 secret steps to staying consistent, but now I want to give you very specific tools for how you can actually stay consistent. In this episode I'm sharing 3 specific tools that will really change your business. Here are the links that I mentioned in the episode: Monday.com: https://mondaycom.grsm.io/michellegifford223 My Content Planner: https://iammichellegifford.com/planner Tailwind: https://tailwind.sjv.io/mg2B2y Google Planning Sheets: https://iammichellegifford.com/contentsheets Get the full podcast show notes and transcript here: https://iammichellegifford.com/3-must-have-content-planning-tools-that-changed-my-business/