013 - Machine Learning and the InnerEye for Cancer Treatment with Dr. Antonio Criminisi

Microsoft Research Podcast - A podcast by Researchers across the Microsoft research community - Thursdays


  With all the sensational headlines about artificial intelligence, it’s reassuring to know that some of the world’s most brilliant minds are developing AI systems for entirely practical reasons. One of those minds belongs to Dr. Antonio Criminisi, a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, England. And one of those reasons is to help medical professionals provide better healthcare to their patients.Today, Dr. Criminisi talks about Project InnerEye, an innovative machine learning tool that helps radiologists identify and analyze 3-D images of cancerous tumors. He also gives us some insight into his work on deep neural decision forests and tells us how gaming algorithms made their way into medical technology, moving from gamer to patient, and turning outside-in imaging… inside-out.