Nuanu - designing the constitution for a huge community project in Bali

Microsolidarity - A podcast by Microsolidarity

Sasha Dimitrevic & Tucker Walsh are part of the organising crew for Nuanu: a new intentional village in Bali which could eventually grow to 2000 people. They interviewed me seeking advice for their community constitution. Themes  - multi-level addressable nested identities - epistemic conflict between oral & literate culture - using tempo to find the sweet spot between chaos and order - enrolling community members into polarity management - subsidiarity - training community members in conflict resolution, communication skills, etc - dual org charts for working & relating - designing to prevent people falling thru the cracks: loneliness, invisibility, disengagement - synchronising across the digital vs physical divide - encouraging active citizenship - what to do with low engagement - power dynamics, accountability for people in leadership roles - leadership succession   References: - The Hum online course for getting into all these topics in more depth: - Dee Hock, Chaordic Organisations: - Scaling Agile at Spotify: - How we design retreats for Enspiral: - Loomio (text-based group decision making) - Ted Rau podcast: and book: - Jakob Nielsen 90-9-1 ruel for participation inequality:    Thanks Joe Lightfoot for the intro!