Best Picture '18/19 Category Review - The Unknown Ending to All the Known Mayhem - Ep 164

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


Plus a Snubs Discussion & Our Rankings ***This is a Non-Spoiler Episode*** We discuss the plots in some sweeping & general terms, with maybe one content advisory about Roma because we are both silly immature man-babies. Otherwise, we steer clear of spoilers. Intro: Who We Are / What We Do / What We’ve Done / What’s Next - Top of the Show What is a Category Review? - 2:12 Snubs - 3:46 Black Panther: Why It Will Win - 10:54 Why It Won’t Win - 15:34 BlackKklansman: Why It Will Win - 22:09 Why It Won’t Win - 26:39 Bohemian Rhapsody: Why It Will Win - 28:40 Why It Won’t Win - 32:23 The Favourite: Why It Will Win - 36:20 Why It Won’t Win - 39:23 Green Book: Why It Will Win - 43:41 Why It Won’t Win - 48:15 Roma: Why It Will Win - 56:49 Why It Won’t Win - 1:00:21 A Star Is Born: Why It Will Win - 1:03:01 Why It Won’t Win - 1:04:45 Vice: Why It Will Win - 1:08:24 Why It Won’t Win - 1:11:18 Perfecting Perfection - 1:15:41 Outro/Social Medias/Words of Wisdom - 1:22:17 With two more of these episodes still to come, this Best Picture Review is the Act Two Climax of our Category Series. There’s a ton of intrigue, it’s probably gonna go the opposite way from how things will end, and it’s long & loud. If you enjoyed that joke, please continue reading, but also, be my friend. Although the Oscars are the focus of our programming, the past week has also allowed us to spread our wings. There’s a retrospective on Mary Harron’s American Psycho, which is a collaboration with hashtag AllTheHorror’s WomenInHorrorMonth, and then we got the chance to chat with two of our favorite comedians, Reilly Anspaugh and Geoffrey James of Headgum on another episode of MMO Interviews. Stay tuned as we’ll continue both of these series throughout the calendar year and don’t miss these two episodes. But this here Best Picture Category Overview was a massive undertaking for us, and since so many things have been building towards it, we decided to release it a bit earlier than expected so that you have ample enough time to listen before February 24th. If you haven’t been with us on a category review, the format is simple. Mike and I discuss all the snubs after our intro. Then we go through each of the nominees and argue for and against why they will or will not win the Oscar. This all culminates nicely in a segment where we rank all the nominees, which we have humbly termed, Perfecting Perfection. Stay tuned for MUCH more awards season coverage this coming week. We plan to release episodes almost daily, and if we’re feeling squirrely, you may in fact just get new MMO each and every day until those Oscars. Then we’ll bring things to a triumphant close (for at least one day) with our Recap Show to be aired very very very late after the Oscar broadcast. To close, we’d like to make a huge announcement. WE INTERVIEWED SCOTT FEINBERG of the Hollywood Reporter, and that’ll be dropping Tuesday. He’s one of our idols, as you can trust all the MMO guests will be, and he does not disappoint. So stay tuned. As always, let us know what you think. We’re at MMandOscar on Twitter, where we’re most active. MMO is also on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and Gmail. You can subscribe / like / rate / review / share / & listen to us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play, Tune In, Spotify, & just about wherever you listen to podcasts. When reality sucks, keep watching movies with us.