Can You Ever Forgive Me? Review - 2018/19 OSP - Forgiveness For Bleh - Ep 156

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


Can You EVER Forgive Us for this Review? ***This Episode kinda / sorta / probably spoils Hereditary… & for THIS movie, there is a SPOILER SECTION*** Intro / Who’d You Rather Have As a Podcast Guest? - Top of Show What is an OSP? - 1:40 Can You Ever Forgive Me? Non-Spoiler (Except Hereditary) Review Cast & Crew & Dad Jokes Galore - 3:00 Production Notes We Cannot Finish - 11:43 Specs & The Divide Between Critical Scores & Box Office - 15:16 Plot / Premise & Our Expectations / Watch Stories - 18:47 Was It Snubbed For Best Picture & Director? - 22:46 Best Actress vs Ultimate Snub (Hereditary Spoilers HERE) - 27:35 Supporting Actor / Richard E. Grant is charming - 30:42 Script Thoughts - 32:40 Production Values - 35:17 Final Thoughts, & Watch or Don’t - 36:25 Spoiler Warning Dance Music - 39:32 SPOILER-FILLED REVIEW Worst Scenes - 41:00 (The Courtroom Scene - 42:29) (Characterization Issues - 46:19) (Is It Us? - 49:12) Best Scenes - 52:43 Final Grades - 55:44 Outro / Social Media / Words of Wisdom / What’s Coming Next? - 56:40 Can You Ever Forgive us for this review? We didn’t love this movie. We are sorry, and we try to figure out why we didn’t love it. The film is nominated for 3 Oscars in major categories including Melissa McCarthy for Best Actress, Richard E. Grant for Best Supporting Actor, and for it’s Best Adapted Screenplay. Critics loved this movie as well, and we try to figure out if we should begrudge ourselves this opinion or stick to our guns. Bottom Line: it’s another deep dive into the collective MMO psyche, and you don’t wanna miss our hot takes. As usual, we follow the tried & tested MMO OSP format, but with a catch. We kinda, sorta, definitely spoil Hereditary in the NON-spoiler section. SO BEWARE of that spoilerish discussion. We couldn’t help ourselves, and it seemed necessary at the time. Otherwise, we embark upon a non-spoiler review including our takes on the nominated and possibly snubbed elements of the film, the production values, and some thoughts on the script. We conduct this non-spoiler review after we break down the cast & crew, some production notes, and the movie’s many critical & box office numbers in our specs segment. After our recommendation on “watch or don’t,” we play some spoiler warning dance music, and then we dive into what we didn’t like about the plot before discussing some of the better scenes of the film to try and end on a higher note. We fail of course, to stay positive and turn into cantankerous characters in our own right. We have two more OSP’s for you in the coming weeks: Cold War & At Eternity’s Gate. Then we’ll have reviewed pretty much all of the major nominees in at least, the major categories. MMO will also cover all of these major categories each in overview episodes to review the nominees and preview you for the Academy Awards. There are more interviews on the schedule, as well as another dive into the horror genre for a fun upcoming retrospective, and we’ll have a bunch more on the Oscar Race front leading into the end of February and that big night. Let us know what you think. We’re at MMandOscar on Twitter. We are Mike, Mike, and Oscar on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and Gmail. You can like / review / comment / subscribe & listen to us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Tune In, Google Play, Spotify, and just about wherever you listen to podcasts. When reality sucks, watch movies with us. We’re Mike, Mike, and Oscar!