Cats The Movie Review - All Crotch - Ep 263

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


As we both hoped & feared, cats is a glorious failure. We award it points for ambition, but there’s also a lot to learn from what didn’t work here. Bottom line though, this was such a miscalculation. Who thought this was funny? Why are they trying to be sexy? & Why is she always crying?! What is This Episode? - Top of Show A Letter - 1:59 NONSPOILER REVIEW: Cast, Specs, Box Office, Scores - 4:05 A Nightmarish Hellscape Wrought With Vengeance Upon Us All - 8:00 Theater Going Experiences - 11:44 Who Is This For?/Inception - 13:59 Songs/Production Values - 17:01 Cats In Heat - 20:09 Honest To Goodness Positives…Kinda - 22:00 Just Get It Out/VFX/Prod Design -24:23 SPOILER WARNING DANCE BREAK - 28:19 SPOILER-FILLED REVIEW: The Greatest Ending in Movie History- 29:30 “The Weirdest Scene in the Movie” - 35:44 FINAL GRADE - 37:45 Your Homework/What Drugs Work Best Here? - 40:06 What’s Next From MMO/Words of Wisdom - 41:38 After the rage we had for Star Wars Episode IX, we wondered if we might take pity on Cats. Perhaps the lower than expected scores would even push us away from this review entirely. But trust us. There was no way we could see this film, physically experience it, and not talk about it for a full episode. As usual, we give you a full non-spoiler review first. So if you’re wondering whether or not to go see it, wonder no more. We flat out tell you in the early goings. Then we do a spoiler section where we must break down a few of the craziest scenes of this or any year. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to give us a 5 star rating on Apple Podcasts. Just click on our show, scroll down a few moments, and then click that fifth star. We thank you for your support. Otherwise, do stay tuned for more Oscar Sprint Profile & Movie Event reviews. We still have Little Women and 1917 coming up in terms of definite OSP’s. Then we’ll also be covering The Two Popes and Bombshell either on their own, or in conjunction with an Oscar Race Checkpoint episode, which is where we discuss all the recent happenings in awards season. What did you think of Cats? Let us know. We’re at MMandOscar on Twitter, and we are on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and Gmail. You can subscribe / rate / review / like / share / & listen to us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play, Tune In, Spotify, and just about wherever you listen to podcasts. When reality sucks, keep watching movies with us. We’re Mike, Mike, & Oscar!