Mark Hamill's Joker From Batman: The Animated Series - Joker Character Study P.5 - Ep 241

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


Did you know Luke Skywalker played the Joker? He sure did. Mark Hamill has voiced the Joker 28 times in his filmography, and we chronicle his history with the character & love him for it. In fact, he might be the most recognizable Joker to at least one of us. Impersonations included. What is This Episode/Series? - Top of Show Episode Layout/Index - 2:07 NON-SPOILER JOKER ANALYSIS: Getting Into Character - 2:57 Historical Significance - 9:35 SPOILER WARNING - 14:43 SPOILER JOKER ANALYSIS: Most Memorable Quote/Action - 16:02 Secret Spice/What Made It Work - 22:42 How Evil Was the Evil Deed? - 25:47 On a Scale of 1 - Joker… - 38:35 Your Homework/PLEASE LEAVE US 5*’S - 43:53 What’s Next From MMO/Words of Wisdom - 44:52 We’re really proud of how The Joker Character Study has gone thus far, and this episode on Mark Hamill’s many iterations of the Clown Prince of Crime was a definite highlight for us both. We re-live our childhoods by focusing on 3 episodes from Batman: The Animated Series from 1992-95. There are unplanned impersonations, plenty of analysis, and of course, all 5 of your favorite Joker Character Study segments including, Getting Into Character, Historical Significance, Most Memorable Scenes, The Secret Spice or What Made It Work, How Evil Were His Deeds, & On a Scale of 1 to Joker. Getting Into Character is our bio segment, and we discuss how Mark Hamill aspired to be a voice actor before donning the robes of the Jedi & why Luke Skywalker kept coming back to the Joker, 28 times in fact! We give you an overview of that filmography in this section, and then discuss the historical significance of Batman: The Animated Series and all of the Hamill Joker performances. Then to be polite, we give you a spoiler warning. Sure, if you’re determined to watch these episodes before you listen, then you can do that. Or you can just go along for the ride with us on this one. It was a blast to record, and we hope you enjoy how we break down the last 4 segments in that spoiler section. This is part 5 of The Joker Character Study. In episode 1, we gave you an overview of the entire history of the Joker including his origins in the 1940 comic books. Then we discussed Cesar Romero’s Joker in the 1966 Adam West Batman, which was referenced several times here, and we moved into a crossover episode with Pennywise from Stephen King’s It to preview Chapter 2 that we just reviewed. In this wacky part 3, we also reviewed the latest Joaquin Phoenix Joker trailer, chronicled the entire history of evil clowns in entertainment and IRL, and did a Guess The Plot on Pennywise vs The Joker AKA, It Chapter Three. Then in part 4, we analyzed the iconic Jack Nicholson Joker in 1989’s Batman, and now we discuss Mark Hamill before we dive into Heath Ledger next. Let us know what you thought of Mark Hamill’s Joker. Which of his 28 performances was your favorite? If you’re enjoying MMO, do please leave us 5 stars on Apple Podcasts. Click on our show, scroll down a few seconds, and then you’ll be able to rate us. We’re also at MMandOscar on Twitter, and we are on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and Gmail. You can subscribe / rate / review / like / share / & listen to us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play, Tune In, Spotify, and just about wherever you listen to podcasts. When reality sucks, keep watching movies with us. We’re Mike, Mike, & Oscar!