Overlord Review - Welcome To Mike + Mike's Improv Class - Ep 126

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


Natzi zombies. Let’s go!! ***This Review of Overlord has a Spoiler Section*** Non-Spoiler Review of Overlord: Cast & Crew & Sons of the Rich & Famous - 1:54 Production Notes & Potential Cloverfield Sequels That Never Were - 7:06 Movie Specs & our theory on the numbers - 9:14 Plot / Premise & Expectations - 12:52 High on the Production Values - 15:21 Low on the Performances - 19:24 Mixed on some Script Thoughts - 21:17 And a rare mixture for Watch or Don’t - 24:25 Spoiler Warning Music - 25:07 Spoiler-Filled Review: Plot Review/Worst Scenes - 26:13 (Oh That Dialogue, Part 1 - 29:44) (Podunk Pot-Shots + Remaining Crew - 30:48) (Chloe’s House - 33:56) (Boyce Goes to Church - 37:01) (Wafner’s Revenge + Our Problems - 39:29) (BEST SCENE ALERT: A Plan - 43:04) (Through Church Again - 43:50) (WORST OF WORSTS: Oh, THAT Dialogue, Part 2 - 46:10) (Missed Opportunity Finale - 48:56) Some More Bests - 50:46 Final Grades - 53:00 SixDegrees Of MMO /Review Us on iTunes/Words of Wisdom - 55:34 The recent Overlord trailer and all the awesome buzz surrounding this new release forced us into the theater for another movie event horror film review from MMO. The result is something that hasn’t happened in awhile. We were mixed on this movie. One Mike really enjoyed it while the other is pretty harsh towards it. So there will be film appreciation AND criticism in this one in a more literal sense. That, plus there’s all the usual growling antics and nonsense amplified by the wolfing hour of when we recorded this sucker. In any event, we hope it’s a fun movie review for your listening pleasure as that’s the bottom line. You get your money’s worth in both segments. We get weird and debate one another and then get weird some more during our non-spoiler presentation, and then we ratchet all that weirdness up to another level during our spoiler filled plot breakdown. The reason is, well, we ARE weird. There are disturbing voice impersonations, awkward analogies, cutting edge satirical humor, or two of those three things in this movie review, and we hope, that’s why you keep clicking play on all these episodes. Whether you’re a regular listener to our show or you’ve stepped on this landmine of an MMO episode for the first time, know that we’re fairly versatile with our programming. We’ve covered the elite Oscar Contenders like A Star Is Born, BlacKkKlansman, and First Man in recent weeks, but we’ve also reviewed a sleugh of horror films during spooky season like the entire Halloween series and both Suspiria films. Sometimes we apply all of our cunning wiles, then at others times, we may devolve into a (pick your favorite SNL) Chris Farley or Will Ferrell parody of a talk show host. Either way, our reviews don’t always go off the rails like this one, but it is cool when they do. We hope you have half as much fun listening as we did recording. What do you think of Overlord? Or did we convince you to avoid it after our mixed review? Chat with us on social media. We are Mike, Mike, and Oscar on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and Gmail. We’re at MMandOscar on Twitter. We have a blast mixing it up with our friends and fans, and we’d love to talk movies, especially this movie with you. Also, do join in on our latest movie trivia game craze that is Six Degrees Of MMO. Our round 4 winners will be read in an upcoming pod for Jamie Lee Curtis to Mike Myers. We’ve had fun with this. You’ve had fun with this. Do get any last minute submissions into us soon and get ready for challenge 5. When reality has sucked (ala this aggravating post election coverage), maybe take an hour or two and just watch movies with us. We’re Mike, Mike, and Oscar!