Rise of Skywalker Review - The End With An Error - Ep 262

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


So we probably recorded this episode a little quick. Perhaps we should have thought things through a bit more. But you’re getting our piping hot takes fresh out of the oven for this review. This movie pissed us off. What is This Episode? - :43 NONSPOILER REVIEW: Cast, Specs, Box Office, Scores - 1:34 Theater Going Experiences - 3:45 Save Us Kevin Feige? - 6:09 Premise…In Name - 7:21 Script Thoughts - 11:33 Performances - 13:36 Retcon Wars - 15:42 Production Values - 17:33 SPOILER WARNING DANCE BREAK - 22:29 SPOILER-FILLED REVIEW: Best Scenes….Kind of Awards- 23:51 Lowlights Awards - 34:30 (A BEAUTIFUL Setup To An Ending That… - 36:46) (JJ Kennedy v Johnson - 43:26) (All In All You’re Just A-nother Pile Of Clothes - 49:58) (The Rise Of Mike Obama - 53:59) FINAL GRADE - 56:14 Your Homework/Our Socials - 1:00:18 What’s Next From MMO/Words of Wisdom - 1:01:07 I know I know, we try to be a film appreciation podcast much more often than not. That’s why we focus on the Oscars, so we get to focus mostly on the best received of each year. That’s why we do re-watch series, to celebrate some of our favorite franchises & filmmakers & characters. That’s why we keep such close tabs on every single movie news story out there in the world with our MMOW & Oscar Race Checkpoint weekly shows. But this new Star Wars movie got under our skin. Fear led to anger. Anger led to hate. And our hatred turned both Mikes to the dark side of the happy fanboys we prefer to be. Cuz amidst all our rational & irrational takes, we ripped this movie a new one. Movie Event pods usually try and award our films with a variety of real and fake awards. Obviously, we are probably awarding this movie more of the latter variety, and yes, think Razzies. But as we always do, you get a non-spoiler section first. Though do beware. We probably offer more clues than we normally would. So if you want to know NOTHING, maybe avoid this episode until you’ve seen the film. Otherwise, we do discuss some highs & lows of the production values, performances, and script in non-spoilers before we play our spoiler warning dance music and breakdown the plot. Hopefully, you still like us if you enjoyed this movie. We are sorry for lashing out wildly at the world after this shocking disappointment. So do please let us know your thoughts on this Episode IX. We’re at MMandOscar on Twitter, and we are on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and Gmail. You can subscribe / rate / review / like / share / & listen to us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play, Tune In, Spotify, and just about wherever you listen to podcasts. When reality sucks, keep watching movies with us. We’re Mike, Mike, & Oscar!