The Good Dinosaur Review - But What Else is Good? - MMO Pixar ReWatch P.11 - Ep 202

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


OK. So this is Pixar’s one money loser. But how bad could it be? It’s still Pixar. Well… we tell you. There’s ranting and raving in that spoiler section, but we also chronicle the many red flags in the production process, and we breakdown another of the 22 Rules of Pixar Storytelling. Hint: they don’t follow their own rule with this film. What is a Pixar Re-Watch Episode? - 2:09 NON-SPOILER SECTION Cast and Crew - 3:22 How Pixar Got Here - 5:36 Production Nuggets - 8:49 Movie Specs - 9:45 Plot Premises/Expectations - 13:57 Production Values - 16:47 Performances - 19:03 Spoiler Warning - 23:21 SPOILER-FILLED SECTION Issues and Lowlights (And AlsoMike Loses It) - 24:25 Pixar’s 22 Rules of Screenwriting No. 14 - 32:20 Scenes of Heartbreak + Heart Warming- 38:53 Happy Pills + Highlights - 40:01 Final Thoughts - 42:26 Our Social Media/Your Homework - 43:39 Coming Next From MMO/Words of Wisdom - 44:12 So we’ve been on a string of one Pixar masterpiece after the next. We have loved this joyous rewatch series up until now, and with this film, you get our critical side a bit more than the film appreciation focus of our show. Then again, there are still a great many things to enjoy about The Good Dinosaur, and we pay it credit where credit is due. Problems exist right off the bat with the production profile as Mike 1 highlights the History of the Pixar Company in that segment, and then Also Mike loses his mind for the first of several outbursts during his criticisms of the Plot / Premise. Now we do praise the film for some animation innovations, and if this film is a mess, then it’s a beautiful one. But we cannot avoid more storytelling and filmmaking pitfalls inherent at the base levels of these performances and early script thoughts. Then of course, we list our many grievances and have fun with how awesomely bad this movie is. We discuss rule number 14 of Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling, and yes, they break their own rule in spectacular fashion with this film. There are some bests after a litany of worst scenes, and we rundown some of our favorite moments. But we’re mostly shocked that Pixar put out a stinker. So hopefully, as we like to say, you can learn as much, if not more from a bad movie than you do from the good ones. Thankfully, Pixar has made so many great films before and after The Good Dinosaur, and we have several more episodes in this otherwise joyous rewatch. Let us know what you think of The Good Dinosaur. Are we terribly wrong and do you see it differently? Or do you love to hate this movie as much as we did? We’re at MMandOscar on Twitter, and we are on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and Gmail. You can subscribe / rate / review / like / share / & listen to us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play, Tune In, Spotify, and just about wherever you listen to podcasts. When reality sucks, keep watching movies with us. We’re Mike, Mike, & Oscar!