The Joker Character Study - Episode 1 - Literally, Just, SO MANY Jokers Through History - Ep 233

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


The Joker has fought Batman since 1940. We discuss the clown prince of crime’s timeline from the page to the screen, from comic books to movies to TV to video games, from Caesar to Jack to Heath to Jared to Joaquin. This is our intro to The Joker Character Study on MMO. What is This Episode/Series? - Top of Show SETTING THE STAGE: Joker Origin Beginnings/The Man Who Laughs - 3:41 Batman Without The Joker - 8:02 The Comics Code - 10:18 EVERY JOKER EVER: 1970’s - 14:16 80’s - 17:18 Mark Hamill - 20:13 2000’s - Present - 25:03 Prepping for The Joker Movie - 37:17 Your Homework/PLEASE LEAVE US 5*’S - 39:54 What’s Next From MMO/Words of Wisdom - 40:50 Our next re-watch series is here! We are getting you ready for October 4th’s The Joker, we’re diving into some of our childhood favorites, and some Oscar worthy material as well. Joaquin Phoenix is getting Oscar Buzz heading into the fall film festivals, and we wonder if he can follow Heath Ledger back to the podium. But more than that, we love these stories, and the Joker is certainly one of the most, if not THE most intriguing villain EVER! So this is the perfect time to do a character study. In this first episode, we felt compelled to go over the history of the Joker character. Sure, we hint at some comic book spoilers, but for the most part, we’re talking about how the creators thought of him, we’re talking about most of his appearances in film, television, video games, & of course, the comic books, and the many great thespians who’ve portrayed the clown prince of Gotham on screen. So we really had a blast recapping and commenting on a bunch of the animated series, tv movies, & video game Jokers that we’ve enjoyed throughout our lives to fill in the gaps between our upcoming Joker programming. Looking ahead in the series, we’re gonna have full episodes on Cesar Romero from Batman: The Movie (1966), Jack Nicholson from Batman (1989), Mark Hamill & his 27 years voicing the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series (1992-95) / the Batman: Arkham series of video games, etc, Heath Ledger’s Oscar winning turn in The Dark Knight (2008), Jared Leto’s shirtless & tatted up version in Suicide Squad (2016), and we’ll add a few bonus episodes thrown in along the way. “And here we GO!” Do let us know what you think, and send us your answers regarding your favorite Joker performance. We’re at MMandOscar on Twitter, and we are on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and Gmail. You can subscribe / rate / review / like / share / & listen to us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play, Tune In, Spotify, and just about wherever you listen to podcasts. When reality sucks, keep watching movies with us. We’re Mike, Mike, & Oscar!