The Lovebirds Make Us Ask: What Are The Top 5 Lovers On The Run Movies? - Ep 299

Mike, Mike, and Oscar - A podcast by MMO


This Love-on-the-Run Movie Top 5 List tells you a lot about your hosts, probably TMI, and hopefully, you’ll get away a bunch of good movie recommendations from it. Otherwise, we begin with a non-spoiler review of The Lovebirds & a chat about “What is a Netflix Movie?” What Is This Episode/AlsoMike’s Disrespectful Memory - Top of Show THE LOVEBIRDS SPOILER-FREE REVIEW: Production Profile - 4:01 Is This a “Netflix Movie?” - 5:42 The Showalter Appeal - 8:08 Expectations - 10:01 (Including Mike1 “Despising This Premise” as AlsoMike Works Out) Production Values - 14:34 Authenticity vs Suspension of Disbelief - 18:00 Romantic Chemistry…or Not - 20:47 Final Thoughts/Final Grades - 22:00 MMO’S TOP 5 LOVE ON THE RUN MOVIES: Lists Online and Our List Requirements - 23:16 5s - 27:37 (Mike1 Is A Cool Kid and AlsoMike Is Sane) 4s - 32:13 (Badlands May Be…..Bad, + The Worst Going to Sleep Movie) 3s - 36:58 (Mike1 Steals From AlsoMike’s Book and A Future Cult Classic From 2019) 2s - 40:55 (A non-Human Love Story With A Story of Love, Runs, and Kids!) 1s - 45:07 (You’ll Have To Hear Them To Believe It, Trust Us) Your Homework/PLEASE LEAVE US 5*’S - 50:43 What’s Next From MMO/Words of Wisdom - 51:40 While we introduce The Lovebirds for a non-spoiler review, we cannot help but debate what a “Netflix” movie is. We also discuss our experiences / fantasies within this genre leading into our review of The Lovebirds. Then during that review, we can’t seem to avoid talking about how ripped Kumail & Issa are and how stylish they are as well. So maybe it’s not our most film critic-y review, but it’s a fun one. For the rest of the show, we dive into the genre at large, and one of our genres is much larger than the other’s. So we open up the discussion with some criteria for a Love on the Run movie and admit some terrible, embarrassing things in the process before starting our countdowns. Don’t worry, we stay non-spoilers for the vast majority of this countdown. Though to be fair, there’s a mid-movie spoiler for The Terminator on Also Mike’s list. So be ready for that brief spoiler warning and look at the timestamps above to elude it, if you must. If you enjoy this format, check out our review of HBO’s Bad Education with Hugh Jackman, where we had a similar Top 5’s section added to that episode regarding HBO Original Movies. Then if you’re enjoying our show in general, do please take a few moments to leave us 5 stars on Apple Podcasts as that’ll go a long way to helping us with our grand plans of growing and spreading the word about MMO. Thank you for that. Otherwise, and as always, we want to hear your thoughts. We shouted out a bunch of your picks for favorite Love on the Run Movies, and we’ll happily mention a few more. We’re at MMandOscar on Twitter, and we are on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and Gmail. You can subscribe / rate / review / like / share / & listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play, Tune In, Spotify, and just about wherever you might listen. We’re Mike, Mike, & Oscar, and we’re making awards season year round, without the stuffiness. Thanks for listening.