Episode #791 - Why Startup Success Is All About Who You Hire with Feras Alhlou

Million Dollar Mastermind with Larry Weidel - A podcast by Larry Weidel


This week on the Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, host Larry Weidel is joined by Feras Alhlou, Co-Founder and Advisor for New Consulting Businesses at Start Up With Feras and author of “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact.” Feras has built his wealth by founding and selling startups such as E-Nor to Dentsu, where it became a leading Google partner and reseller for Fortune 500 companies. He is recognized as a leading entrepreneurial voice on LinkedIn and actively participates in various social platforms. Feras was also among the top five finalists for the Most Influential Digital Analytics Agency. As the Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board at e-CENS, he has made significant contributions to the field. Additionally, Feras co-authored a case study with Google, showcasing how E-Nor leveraged our analytics to align the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art's (SFMOMA) business goals with their online strategy.