#002: Feminine connection to natures cycles - Wiktoria Szczech
Mind, Body & Spirit Connection Podcast - A podcast by Paweł Dempc

One full moon I felt this deep desire to find our more about how the moon is connected to the female body. This lead me to discover knowledge that completely changed the way I percieve femininity. Thanks to the knowledge that I discovered that magical night, I understood not only myself fully but also the women that surround me. For the first time in my life I felt a strong guidance - I would like to give lectures for woman to help them use these tools to create a fullfilling life.I am very excited to present you the second episode of the Mind, Body & Spirit podcast, where I speak about the feminine connection to the phases of the moon and seasons of the Earth.In the podcast you can learn about: My story and how I found this knowledge How humankind used to live according to their cyclic nature How the life of a woman is divided into 4 phases How each woman's month is divided into 4 weeks connected to different seasons How to optimize these phases & cycles & use them to create a fullfilling life Why menstruation is a sacred proces and how to change our view on it How to spend the time of your menstruation How every day has its own smaller cycles of productivity and rest What is the result of woman ignoring her cyclic natureFind us on: https://mindbodyspirit.com.pl/en/